Do Solar Lights Work In Cloudy Climates? Here's What You Need To Know
It’s time for another episode of Cloudy With a Chance of Solar lights! Wait, WHAT? Okay back up and let’s hit rewind.
So you’ve ended up reading this blog post because you’re wondering: “Do Solar lights actually work even when it’s not sunny outside?” Well, we can’t blame you for wondering because even we stop functioning when it’s a cozy day and just end up staying in bed the whole time! DND mode are we right? But here’s the thing— unlike us humans, these solar lights are mighty and function no matter the weather.
Okay, so it won’t be at it’s prime, but it’ll still make your garden shine. We say this because solar panels rely on sunlight to recharge it’s batteries and power up the lights. With that in mind, we can expect around 50% energy BUT 100% glam from your solar-powered lights.
Time to pull out your wizard wand and scream, “LUMOS MAXIMA!” Make sure to choose solar lights with a higher lumen output so you’ll be able to see through the darkness even when the clouds are blocking the shine from your area. If you’ve had those stick-on glow in the dark stars on your room you know that they last longer when they’ve been exposed to light, right? So when you get the chance, it’s best to try to find out where best to place your solar panel during the day, just so it gets at least a little bit of sunshine for a few hours so that your lights also last longer.
How Solar-Powered Lights Work
Never go broke with solar-powered lights! They’re surprisingly affordable and super eco friendly. Since they use up the sun’s energy to power up, you’ll not only be helping the environment but also your pocket by saving up on your electric bill. The energy is stored in a rechargeable battery.
Plus, we’ve got to admit, these solar lights are great at making your garden look stunning at night!
In fact, solar lights are becoming insanely popular due to their awesome list of benefits. Just to name a few:
- Low maintenance
- Easy setup
- Place anywhere outside
- You can even bring them during your travels to the woods.
Friends/Family, a campfire, toasted marshmallows, and aesthetic solar-powered lights— what more could you ask for? Probably not a bear randomly joining you though.
In all seriousness, solar lights are truly reliable. It’s especially a wonderful choice for people living in remote rural areas where access to a power source is difficult or too expensive.
We all have big dreams. But have you ever dreamed about owning a part of the sun? Well now you can! Okay, not literally a part of the sun but what the sun gives off: energy! With a few solar powered lights you get the chance to store the majestic hot ball of energy from the biggest star in the universe and see that energy in action during the night as it illuminates your area. When the sun clocks out, your solar lights clock-in.
As the night sky takes over, your backyard suddenly transforms into this small magical oasis. A bonus feature of the solar lights that no one talks about are that it also reveals how jealous your neighbors are getting!
They’re looking out their window one night and think to themselves, “Wow, not only is their backyard looking fabulous but they’re also eco-friendly by using solar-powered lights! I wish I thought of that first!”
And so what happens next is that they got more solar light packs than you do. That’s when a solar light challenge begins. Eventually, you buy more, then they buy more again, and before you know it, you’ve both created heaven’s gate right in your backyards from all the lights you’ve put up!
But now let's be real, all your friends and neighbors will start to realize how great you are. They'll be begging you to come over and teach them your solar ways. You'll be like the solar light guru, spreading your knowledge and saving the planet, one light at a time.
So now isn’t it time to say your goodbyes to traditional lights and hello to solar lights? You'll never look back, just at your backyard. Plus, you'll be able to sleep easy at night, knowing you're doing your part to fight global warming. And who knows, maybe Mother Nature will even give you a high five the next time you're out for a walk.
Will Solar Lights Work During Cloudy Days?
All good things take time. What a wonderful quote, right? It actually relates to how these solar powered lights work. During cloudy days, it will take more time for your lights to fully charge. You can still call them ol’ reliable because they will still work by the end of the day!
It's important to note that solar lights are not only an environmentally friendly option but also a cost-effective one. By harnessing the power of the sun, you can save money on your electricity bill while reducing your carbon footprint.
Weather Considerations for Outdoor Solar Lights
Music Cue: Rain on Me by Lady Gaga ft. Ariana Grande.
By now we’ve established the fact that the solar powered lights are brought to life by sunlight and they store their energy in their batteries to function. So when choosing solar lights for your home, we have some factors to consider. For example, local weather conditions.
Does it frequently rain in your area and is always cloudy or would your solar lights shine on Paris after the sun goes down? You’ve got to know if you can get enough sunlight for the solar panels or look for specific solar lights designed for your particular weather condition.
You’re in luck! Fortunately, there are many lights on the market today. These lights are typically equipped with built-in rechargeable batteries, which allow them to store energy during sunny periods so that they can continue to operate even when it is cloudy outside. Fun fact: some solar-powered lights can even continue to operate for several days without sunlight.
But do not be mistaken! This would only be possible if you’ve installed your lights properly and placed them perfectly. It’s really important to make sure that your solar lights are properly positioned to receive maximum sunlight. This means that the solar panel should be placed in an open area that’s free from obstructions like trees or buildings. And make sure to read up on the installation guide the lights come with! This ensures that you’ll mount them securely and place them at the right angle and not just a cute angle.
Potential Alternatives for Low Light Conditions
So you’re saying the place you live in usually has bad weather or low light conditions? It’s time to move out. We’re kidding! We’ve got a few alternatives that could actually be the best option for you!
We’re talking solar lights that come with special reflective panels. Yes, you read that right. REFLECTIVE panels. Calling Mulan? Are you there? Can you see the lights as you look at your reflection?
Those types of panels are designed to maximize the amount of light that is captured by the solar cells. So this type of solar lights can be particularly helpful if you live in the type of area we mentioned earlier. You know, the one where you should move out from. Kidding again!
We know, we know, you’re afraid that you might get several cloudy days in a row. Totally normal! So we’ve got some advice that could help you lessen being a worrywart: consider getting a solar light that has a built-in battery backup! This will ensure that your light is always powered, even if the sun is hiding from you.
So all-in-all, remember that it’s important when selecting a solar light, you should consider the specific needs of your location and your individual preferences. Whether you need a light that can withstand harsh weather conditions or one that matches your outdoor decor, there is sure to be a solar light that meets your needs so you won’t end up unsatisfied with your purchase.
Cost Considerations of Outdoor Solar Lighting
Backyard beauty comes with a price. Now you’ve reached the final question: what would this cost?
Solar lighting is great and truly a level-up for your backyard. A wonderful investment at that. But there are some potential drawbacks to them too. Here are some stuff to keep in mind when considering the cost of your chosen solar lighting option:
- Installation costs: Some solar lights need to be installed by a qualified electrician, which can add to the overall cost.
- Maintenance costs: Solar lights require very little maintenance, but if something does go wrong, you may actually need to pay for repairs or replacements.
- Replacement costs: Most solar lights have a lifespan of around 5 years before they need to be replaced. This means that you'll need to factor in replacement costs when budgeting for your solar lighting system.
- Electricity costs: Solar lights rely on sunlight to charge, so if you live in an area with low sun exposure, your electricity bills may be higher than average for recharging your lights by plugging them in instead.
- Weather conditions: If you live in an area with harsh weather conditions (high winds, extreme cold), your solar lights may not work as well or as often as they would in more moderate climates.
Those points mentioned above are for all kinds of solar lights. Of course, if you choose solar lights, they’re (1) much easier to install and you can do on your own, (2) way more affordable than big panel solar options, (3) still work in cloudy climates.
Overall, it all boils down to what kind of solar lighting you choose.
It would be best to keep in mind and deep in your garden-loving hearts that solar-powered lights (or whichever kind of solar lights you like) can be a great addition to any home’s outdoor décor.
With some very careful consideration and planning, you can easily create a warm, inviting atmosphere in your backyard for barbecues, parties or just spending time with family and friends! Host that barbecue and show off them pretty lights. It’ll be the talk of the town!
So before we part ways. we hope that it is now clear that solar lights provide many benefits for homeowners who want to add attractive outdoor lighting elements. Their super efficient design makes them ideal for those looking to save money on electric bills while still having an attractive lighting solution outside their home.
Furthermore, the variety of styles available ensures that you can find solar lights that perfectly match the style of your home’s exterior décor or your super duper wonderful... personality! Finally, these lights are versatile enough to work in almost any climate (make sure to follow the tips we mentioned above though!)
That’s it for today’s episode of Cloudy with a Chance of Solar Lights. Hope you’ve learned a thing or two!